Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Somebody explain it to me, please

I don't understand why people can be more involved and "in" to the music at a James Taylor, Rolling Stones, KISS, 50 Cent, Beyonce, ___(fill in the blank)___ concert than while worshiping our Creator. They would rather talk and yawn through it....they'd rather complain that it's too loud (I wonder if they would say that to Big and Rich) or that it's "Not their style" - or whatever. I am at a loss.

My only observation? Get over it. You aren't gonna like Heaven if you don't like praisin' and singin' - and there may be only one style - one song for that matter! Get over yourself.

sorry for the rant.....

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Dear Sunshine,
Don't we all need to "get over" ourselves? :) We do! And our "self" is the hardest thing to get over--at least for me it is! I have to tell my "self" periodically to get over it--don't get bent out of shape so easily.